hü und hott, 2024
120 x 230 x 37cm
Produced 3D Printer Porcelain, pigment
hü und hott, 2024 (Installation View)

A photograph is used from 1882, taken in Admiralitätsstraße, as a reference object for the exhibition. The objects on display in the Westwerk oscillate between the concrete and the abstract. In his reinterpretation of the historical photograph, Kim combines past formal languages with contemporary materials and manufacturing processes. 
For example, the installation "hü und hott" is reminiscent of a carriage without representing it in its entire form. The abstracted and newly interpreted form of the carriage wheels appears in blue porcelain. The careless fencing evokes a construction or excavation site, so that it is not certain whether the past, revived by means of 3D digital printing, is being buried or dug up here.
The objects shown in the exhibition appear novel and traditional at the same time and reflect the synthesis of art techniques. The works interweave nostalgia and humor with historical observations and become part of a playful search for materials and forms.

Zwei Stiefel, 2024
29 x 11 x 34cm
Produced 3D Printer Stoneware, pigment
Ohne Title (Nordende Admiralitätsstraße, 1882), 2024
23.5 x 34cm
Porcelain, screenprinting, aluminium
Schritt, Trab, Galopp, 2023
various sizes
Produced 3D printer Porcelain, pigment, aluminium